Other people have always been the most interesting subject to me and in portraiture I find it most rewarding to try and capture the essence of the people I paint.

Selene, egg tempera on board.

Sophie, egg tempera on board. The painting is of my daughter Sophie ,who was on mertanity leave after giving birth to her son. Looking after the new baby and her two year old daughter was exhausting and Sophie would often visit us so that she could catch up with some sleep while my wife and I looked after the children.

Jean, egg tempera on board. In this portrait I wanted to explore a modern take on the use of symbolic and significant objects in classical portraiture. Within the central painting we see Jean at her kitchen table, for her the heart of her home. On the table before her are vegetables and fruit grown from her allotment – a passion of hers. Behind her sit other items from the kitchen, including a glass stand with a cake that she makes every week when her Grandchildren visit. The painting’s frame is constructed from wooden shelving, collaged with photos of her life – from her childhood, to the present day. Within the shelves sit objects chosen by Jean that are significant to her, reflecting her most important memories and passions – beloved books, gardening gloves, knitting wool, cooking spices acquired on trips abroad.

Lillian, egg tempera on board. Lillian has been an NHS nurse for over 40 years. Lillian's pose and facial expression capture her resilience and her warmth - the qualities I have most admired in the thousands of NHS and key workers keeping the country going throughout the COVID19 crisis.

Louise and Tom's wedding portrait, oil on canvas

Carole, egg tempera on board

Jean, oil on canvas. My long suffering wife has sat for many portraits by me and I was hoping to capture the good natured way she puts up with my painting.

Saskia, oil on canvas. When I was first asked to do a portrait of Saskia and her dog Ella, I had in mind a composition in which Saskia looked elegant with Ella obediently posed besides her. Of course in reality Ella, a very friendly dog, couldn’t keep still and kept jumping up on me while Saskia tried to keep her on her lap. As a result, the portrait became a wonderful study of the relationship between dog and owner – and just as much of a portrait of Ella as of Saskia.

Jean, linocut

Tom, oil on canvas. This is a portrait of my son Tom in our living room. All the elements in the painting have some relevance to our lives. The painting behind Tom is a map showing the the route I took when coming from India to the UK. Next to Tom is a photograph go all three of my children and the lamp is made from a statue my father bought from a bizarre in India.

Will, oil on canvas.Will is an excellent guitar player and I wanted to capture the feeling of listening to him play. The painting is set in our kitchen, with Will being reflected in the patio doors behind him

Alan, egg tempera on board.

Lottie, oil on canvas

Self portrait, oil on canvas.

Meyer, oil on canvas, Meyer modelled for us in a portrait painting workshop. The painting was done over two half day sessions and finished off at home

Sophie and Steve, chalk pastel. I painted this portrait of my daughter Sophie and her husband Steve with their two cats. They were staying with me after returning to the UK from living in Australia for the previous three years and were in the process of looking for jobs and accommodation. I used chalk pastels to work quickly and capture the vibrancy of a slightly overcrowded house. The portrait was painted in their bedroom

Sue, Toby and Jack, oil on board

Anna and David, oil on canvas

Alan fishing, egg tempera on board.

Chris, oil on canvas

Eli, oil on board

Beata, oil on canvas

Natasha, oil on board

Nat, oil on board

Ibrahim and Haya, a wedding portrait, oil on board.